Thanks to the thought leadership and generosity of Ruth Ann Harnisch, Institute Founder & Benefactor, each year the Institute of Coaching awards $100,000 in Harnisch Grants to researchers who are furthering the field of coaching. Learn more about this community of Harnisch Researchers and the cutting edge work that earned them research support.
Tatiana Bachkirova
Joy Beatty
Ariel Finch Bernstein
Charles Chima
Florence Diehl
David Gray
Suzy Green
Brodie Gregory
Erik de Haan
Anne Marie Halton
Brenden Hursh
Jennifer Irwin
Peter Jackson
Rosalind Joffe
Miranda Kaye
Dima Louis
Karine Mangion
Alyssa McGonagle
Joanna Molyn
Chad Murphy
Venkata Nanduri
Sean O'Connor
Erek Ostrowski
Angela Passarelli
Julie Hicks Patrick
Patricia Riba
Sinead Ruane
Janice Sabatine
Jason Salemi
Les Schwab
Sandra Schiemann
Heidi Schwellnus
Gary Sforzo
Leslie Sheu
Marta Shinn
Jonathan Sibley
Suzi Skinner
Gordon Spence
Richard Suminski
Nicky Terblanche
Narindr Vangrivadhanagul
Dianne Vella-Brodrick
Steven Wendell