Suzy Green
Dr. Suzy Green is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist (MAPS) and the founder of The Positivity Institute, an organisation dedicated to the research and application of Positive Psychology for life, school, and work. Suzy is a leader in the complementary fields of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology having conducted a world-first study on evidence-based coaching as an Applied Positive Psychology. Suzy was the recipient of an International Positive Psychology Fellowship Award and has published in the Journal of Positive Psychology. Suzy lectured on Applied Positive Psychology as a Senior Adjunct Lecturer in the Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney for ten years and is an Honorary Vice President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology. Suzy also currently holds Honorary Academic positions at Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Institute for Positive Psychology & Education, Australian Catholic University and the Black Dog Institute. Suzy is also an Affiliate of the Institute for Well-Being, Cambridge University and a Board Member of the Reach Foundation. Suzy has a strong media profile appearing regularly on television, radio and in print including her role as “Stress-less Expert” for Australian Women’s Health Magazine.
Suzy's Harnisch Grant summary: Enhancing Well-being and Goal Striving in Senior High School Students: Comparing Evidence Based Coaching and Positive Psychology Interventions