Stepping into a big role requires a new identity, increased self-awareness, and a big shift in the way of seeing the world. It can lead to crushing pressures and the need to re-orient yourself as your relationships and business demands shift. It’s a triple play of managing the external, internal and interpersonal demands you must now meet.
Do you find yourself coaching people who are different from you? Perhaps they are of a different age, race, gender, or sexual orientation?

Webinar: Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth: A Role for Coaches

Webinar: Our Clients’ Past Need Not Foretell Their Future: Coaching to our Client’s Attachment Styles
The mindset and skills needed to be an inclusive leader will be top of mind in nearly every organization as we move deeper into the twenty-first century and respond to the challenges we face both in society and in the workplace. But becoming an inclusive leader requires learning, reflection, and changing old habits and mindsets. For leadership coaches, this can be challenging work - it can be difficult to determine where to start and what to work toward.

Webinar: You, Me, We. Why we need to create a culture of connection in a world of disconnection

Webinar: The Consequences of Listening: Practitioners’ Views, Meta-Analyses, and Research Agenda
In this interactive webinar, Dr. Richard G. Tedeschi a world renowned expert on the subject of post-traumatic growth will explain and define the concept and relate it to the potential work that coaches can do with clients who have experienced trauma. Dr. Tedeschi will describe the five domains of growth people report in the aftermath of traumatic events and the relationship of Posttraumatic Growth to PTSD and other trauma reactions.

Webinar: Mental Health Literacy for Coaches: The Time is Now!