Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice provides a comprehensive overview of positive psychology coaching, bringing together th...
Ryan Niemiec presents on The "Greatest Hits" of Character Strengths at the 2017 Annual Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Confere...
As coaches we frequently help our clients grapple with issues of competence versus challenge....
Unlock your children’s potential by helping them build their strengths....
This book offers a new model for decoding and...
Coaching the Multiplicity of Mind...
Colleen Boselli, an IOC Fellow and leadership coach with over 25 y...
Positive psychology moves psychology from a medical model toward a strengths model to help clients shore up their strengths and thereby lead h...
The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, Second Edition is the seminal reference in the burgeoning field of positive psychology, w...
Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them....