Matthew Miller
Matthew L. Miller, Ed.D., is Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching and a faculty member at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). He is a co-author of An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization (Harvard Business Review Press, 2016) with colleagues Robert Kegan, Lisa Lahey, Andy Fleming, and Deborah Helsing. At HGSE, Miller teaches in the Higher Education graduate program and oversees teaching and learning innovation and curricular renewal. In 2016, he succeeded Robert Kegan as Faculty Chair of the Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE), a premier professional development program for senior leaders in higher education. Miller founded HGSE’s Teaching and Learning Lab, dedicated to effective and innovative professional education. He is also co-chair of Harvard's university-wide Teaching and Learning Consortium (TLC). Miller previously served as a senior leader in graduate education at UCLA, overseeing academic and student services for 10,000 graduate students university-wide. At Harvard, he has also conducted research with Howard Gardner and colleagues on Project Zero's Interdisciplinary Studies Project, studying the improvement of interdisciplinary learning from the perspective of cognitive psychology in contexts as diverse as research universities and high schools. He has taught middle-school in Los Angeles. He earned his B.A. in English from Yale University and received his doctorate in education from HGSE, where held a Spencer Research Training Grant fellowship.