
Coach on the Healthcare Team Presentation Slide

Coach on the Healthcare Team: What’s the latest? Presentation Slide

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Coach on the Healthcare Team: What’s the latest?

Industry efforts to integrate health and well-being coaching services into medical practices made big strides in 2023, with the CMS decision to open the door to the coach on the healthcare team....

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Webinar: LIFT your talent: exploring the value of coaching in healthcare

Healthcare professionals are very engaged despite the extreme stress they face day in and day out. It is no surprise that burnout is on the rise in healthcare professionals, nurses and doctors alike....

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Caring for the Workforce Caring for COVID

Because the pandemic was unpredictable in so many ways and anxiety levels were high among many providers and workers, we recognized the importance of strengthening relationships and generating solutions and new ideas from the front lines.

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Event: Coaching health professionals in disruptive times: Designing, implementing and sustain coaching programs and practices

The Institute of Coaching is hosts a panel discussion on the topic of Coaching health professionals in disruptive times. The coronavirus pandemic has been very demanding for healthcare professionals, working directly in COVID-19 treatment, as well as in other specialties....

Coaching Primary Care Physicians: A Positive Psychology Coaching Intervention Improves Well-Being

Slides to accompany Alyssa McGonagle, Heidi Dusky and Les Schwab's webinar: ...

Webinar: Coaching Primary Care Physicians: A Positive Psychology Coaching Intervention Improves Well-Being

In this webinar, IOC Harnisch Grant recipients Alyssa McGonagle, Heidi Duskey and Les Schwab present results and discuss implications of their research demonstrating the effectiveness of a six-session coaching intervention for physicians....

MasterClass: Coaching Healthcare Professionals

Resource holder for Healthcare Masterclass

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The Coach Joins the Healthcare Team: Path to Reimbursement in the US

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Webinar: The Coach Joins the Healthcare Team: Path to Reimbursement in the US

IOC’s co-founder Margaret Moore explores the process of establishing the coach as a health care professional in the US, including national standards, evidence base, economics, policy, reimbursement, and implementation....

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