
Organizations and Organization Theory

Overview of behavioural sciences social theories concerning organization behaviour - reviews and compares three major theoretical perspectives (purposive or goal directed, externally constrained, and social constructionist) at the level of individual, group and organization behaviour, with reference to relevant social research; considers the pra...

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Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People

Discover how the best companies win not by acquiring the right people - but by building the right organization. The 'war for talent' is one battle every company believes it should be waging....

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The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First

Why is common sense so uncommon when it comes to managing people? How is it that so many seemingly intelligent organizations implement harmful management practices and ideas?...

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New Directions for Organization Theory: Problems and Prospects

In New Directions for Organization Theory, Jeffrey Pfeffer offers a comprehensive analysis and overview of the field of organization theory and its research literature....

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Competitive Advantage Through People: Unleashing the Power of the Work Force

Competitive Advantage Through People explores why--despite long-standing evidence that a committed work force is essential for success--firms continue to attach little importance to their workers....

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Power and the design and implementation of accounting and control systems

It is clear that a major change in hierarchical power was implied by the new information system. Power would shift from the divisions and their accountants to headquarters and the corporate accounting staff. Prior to this, divisions had retained control of their own data and exercised substantial discretion in summarizing it....

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Organizational Design

Book by Pfeffer, Jeffrey

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The Burnout Challenge: Managing People’s Relationships with Their Jobs

Burnout is among the most significant on-the-job hazards facing workers today. It is also among the most misunderstood. In particular, we tend to characterize burnout as a personal issue—a problem employees should fix themselves by getting therapy, practicing relaxation techniques, or changing jobs....

What's Your Problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

Are you solving the right problems? Have you or your colleagues ever worked hard on something, only to find out you were focusing on the wrong problem entirely? Most people have. In a survey, 85 percent of companies said they often struggle to solve the right problems. The consequences are severe: Leaders fight the wrong strategic battles....

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CoachX Conversations: Rita McGrath on Creating a Permissionless Organization

To thrive in complex and uncertain situations, we know that organizations do best when those at the ‘edges’ – who are close to customers and markets – can make decisions independently.  A few organizations are figuring out how to do this by creating ‘permissionless’ structures, in which teams can self-manage, which speeds up responsiveness ...

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