Webinar: Audacious Innovation: Coaching Leaders to Change the World

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Webinar: Audacious Innovation: Coaching Leaders to Change the World

Today’s fast growth, globally diverse organizations demand "big teaming": intense collaboration across professions and industries that often have completely different mindsets and even be antagonistic to each other. To do this successfully requires practicing new forms of leadership that combine an expansive vision with incremental action—not an easy balance.

In this highly interactive session, Harvard professor Amy Edmondson explores how to usher in system changes that transform human experience. Edmondson uses the case study of Living PlanIT, an award-winning “smart city” startup with a breathtakingly ambitious goal: building a showcase high-tech city from scratch to pilot its software. This meant a joint effort spanning a truly disparate group of software entrepreneurs, real estate developers, city government officials, architects, construction companies, and technology corporations. Edmondson followed them through cycles of hope, exhaustion, disillusionment, pragmatism, and renewal. She will share stories, lessons learned and tips for coaches who work with today’s visionary, innovative leaders. The webinar will be packed full of powerful lessons for any coach working in any industry, whose clients seek to transform the world.

Presenter: Amy Edmondson

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