The value of life purpose: Purpose as a mediator of faith and well-being.

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The value of life purpose: Purpose as a mediator of faith and well-being.

This study investigated the relationship between faith life purpose and well-being and the potential mediational effects of life purpose between faith and well-being. One hundred and three male and female college students completed a life purpose measure designed for the current study the General Life Purpose Scale as well as the Perceived Wellness Scale (Adams T.B. (1995). The conceptualization and measurement of wellness (Doctoral dissertation University of Texas at Austin 1995). Dissertation Abstracts International 56(6?B) 3111) and the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (Plante T.G. & Boccaccini M.T. (1997). The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. Pastoral Psychology 45 375?387). Results indicated that life purpose significantly mediated the relationship between faith and well-being. The importance of these findings for clinicians and educators is discussed.

The Journal of Positive Psychology Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2009, 64–70

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