MasterClass: Tools for Strategic Leadership Coaching

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MasterClass: Tools for Strategic Leadership Coaching

This MasterClass provides useful resources for strategic coaching sessions.  Specifically, a number of different tools are provided for coaches to use to help leaders develop their capabilities in one or more of the following areas:

  • Help a leader tap into their passion, imagination, and creativity to be able to develop the possibilities and vision for their business  
  • Shift a leader’s focus from short-term and tactical to more strategic - a long-term and big picture view of their organization
  • Develop a leader’s skills to “paint” a clear and motivating picture of their vision and strategy (for their work force, customers, and other key supporters and stakeholders)
  • Help a leader and/or leadership team build skills and an effective process to develop and implement their strategic plan

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  • Belmont, MA 02478
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