Leaders' expression of moral anger is considered important in curbing unethical behaviors and maintaining an ethical environment in organizati...
A central feature of meaning in life is a consideration of more than oneself....
Identity narrative may involve considerable variations in structural and content-specific coherence....
Previous studies have established the relationship between ethical leadership and a variety of positive follower outcomes....
The literature on ethical leadership has focused primarily on the way ethical leaders influence follower moral judgment and behavior....
Two studies examined whether conciliatory behavior aids self-forgiveness and whether it does so in part by making it seem more morally appropr...
Challenging the standard reasoning regarding leaders' ethical failures we argue that a potent contributor to these failures is the social role...
The impetus for this special issue of The Leadership Quarterly grew out of the desire of a small but enthusiastic group of leadership scholars...
The empirical study of perceived leader integrity has lagged its intuitively appealing role as a fundamental characteristic of effective leade...
In a large corpus of American books we tracked how frequently words related to moral excellence and virtue appeared over the twentieth century...