Narrative literature reviews can be subjective, laborious, and difficult to replicate....
We study ...
We study authentic leadership as a prominent but problematic example of positive leadership that we use as a more general “warning” against th...
Purpose is a hot scientific topic today in psychology....
Slides to accompany Eric Kaufmann's webinar: Showing Up: Courage, Presence and Power in Coaching Relationships
Reflect for a moment about times and situations in your coaching conversations when you hold back. Whoa, don’t read on....
Mindfulness and Coaching...
Growing evidence points to the role of authentic leadership in enhancing followership....
While authentic leadership (AL) has seen a dramatic increase in scholarly attention over the last decade, its contribution relative to more es...
“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” are the wise words from Mahatma Gandhi that are the core of what we offer this month....