Narrative literature reviews can be subjective, laborious, and difficult to replicate....
Over the course of many years Boas often wrote notes to himself concerning leadership....
This article is divided into three parts....
Signaling theory suggests that people use cues transmitted by leaders to form impressions of charisma but the validity of these impressions re...
We argue that the sources of charisma are innate and can be explained as part of unique human cultural transmission mechanisms....
In the present research, we shed light on the nature and origins of charisma by examining changes in a person's perceived charisma that follow...
Charismatic leadership is a critical construct that draws much attention from both academic and practitioner literatures....
Charismatic leaders have consistently been shown to affect followers' performance, motivation, and satisfaction....
We present an evolutionary perspective on charismatic leadership, arguing that charisma has evolved as a credible signal of a person's ability...
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