What do you do when clients find themselves stuck in a painful story?...
We tested the effects of practicing compassionate reappraisal vs....
This article presents two studies that examined how perceptions of intellectual humility affect response to a transgression by a religious lea...
Two studies examined whether conciliatory behavior aids self-forgiveness and whether it does so in part by making it seem more morally appropr...
One problem in forgiveness research is the reliance on one method (i.e. having people recall an offense and complete self-report measures)....
In the past decade interest has flourished in the empirical study of forgiveness in the wake of intergroup conflicts....
The present study tested theoretical models of the forgivingness – well-being association with depression symptoms and social justice commitme...
Priming virtue: Forgiveness and justice elicit divergent moral judgments among religious individuals
Forgiveness and justice are related virtues but they may exert divergent effects on moral judgments....
We built upon previous laboratory studies by examining the independent and interactive effects of restitution and apology on behavioral and se...