Dr Pat has been part of the coaching profession and its evolution since the beginning a...
Slide presentation to accompany Dr....
In this talk, we’ll explore a series of experiments about emotion whose c...
How are you feeling?...
A short clip from Lisa Feldman Barrett's conference keynote discussing how emotion regulation can be utilized as a important tool during diffi...
In Executive Coaching, our clients are often very good at data and facts and analysis – those skills have led to much of their success to date...
PowerPoint slides for Lisa Feldman-Barrett's Keynote presentation at the 2019 Harvard Medical School Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Con...
Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University, with appointments at Harvard Medi...
In this talk, we’ll explore a series of experiments about emotion whose conclusions seem to defy common sense....
What if it turns out that we don’t know much what about what others are feeling now or what they will feel in the future?...