As you seek to rise to the next level — whether that means a new job, a challenging promotion, an entrepreneurial venture, or a whole new dire...
Sally Helgesen's classic study of female leaders and how their strategies repre...
The author of the groundbreaking The Female Advantage, a revolutionary approach...
For the first time, behavioural and data scientist, activist and writer Dr. Pragya Agarwal unravels the way our implicit or 'unintentiona...
This study analyzes the “glass cliff” phenomenon using performance data from 233 large listed firms in Germany and the United Kingdom collecte...
Going beyond the mere participation of female directors within boardrooms, we investigate which of the two major boards of directors' roles (<...
Norway was the first of ten countries to legislate gender quotas for boards of publicly traded firms....
This inductive study extends scholarship on gender, feedback and leadership by drawing on a large naturalistic data set of 1057 narrative deve...
Executive coaching is increasingly being used to develop leaders in organisations and this study explores how a coaching intervention has been...
Carrie Arnold's slides to accompany her section of the IOC Webinar: ...