Leader As Coach: Strategies for Coaching & Developing Others

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Leader As Coach: Strategies for Coaching & Developing Others
Leader as Coach

Leader As Coach' is a straight-forward, practical book that can help you lead your people and your organization to greater success.

The tips and practices in  Leader As Coach will enable you to sharpen your coaching skills so that you can attract and retain the talent you need for success, foster growth in others, provide effective feedback, orchestrate learning opportunities, and groom high-potential performers. After all, your people are your most important asset.

Within these pages you’ll find:
--Five high-impact strategies for effective coaching.
--Useful insights on how to deal with resistance and motivate others.
--Hundreds of tips and action steps to make you a better coach.

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  • Institute of Coaching
  • McLean Hospital
  • 115 Mill Street, Mail Stop 314
  • Belmont, MA 02478
  • Phone: 617-767-2670
  • [email protected]