Developing resilience and wellbeing for healthcare staff during organisational transition: The salutogenic approach

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Developing resilience and wellbeing for healthcare staff during organisational transition: The salutogenic approach
Developing reselience and well-being for healthcare staff

This paper evaluates the impact a resilience and wellbeing coaching programme had on staff working for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, during a time when they were considered to be at risk of ‘burnout’ whilst trying to deliver a high profile change in service delivery. The programme and research methodology were designed to facilitate a micro/meso/macro salutogenic coaching approach. The programme utilised pedagogical methods relating to transformational learning, and positive psychology that underpins coaching practice. The purpose of the study was to ascertain whether the programme supported employees to remain engaged with work during difficult workplace transitions. 

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 14, No. 2, August 2016, 31-47

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