Coaching for Change

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Coaching for Change
The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors.

Current research indicates that approximately 70% of all organizational change initiatives fail. This includes mergers and acquisitions introductions of new technologies and changes in business processes. Leadership is critical in initiating driving and sustaining change to produce business results and executive coaching is the best way to support leaders at all levels. Coaching for Change introduces a model for executive coaching that provides the tools and resources to support leaders in driving organization change.

In this book a number of coaching and change models are explored with the goal of integrating them into a framework that can be applied to the individual team or organization. Bennett and Bush explain the theories behind both coaching and change and include practical sections on developing coaching skills. A companion website supports this book as a learning tool featuring a curriculum instructor guides powerpoint presentations and more. 

Coaching for Change is a valuable book for students in coaching change management or organizational development courses as well as professionals who want to develop their skills to drive successful change within their organizations.

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