All I need is a stage to shine: Narcissists' leader emergence and performance

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All I need is a stage to shine: Narcissists' leader emergence and performance
The Leadership Quarterly

Many of the world's leaders appear to possess narcissistic characteristics (e.g. Deluga 1997).  This begs a question as to whether and why narcissistic individuals are chosen as leaders and how they perform. Prior research has suggested that leadership emergence and performance of narcissistic personalities may depend on contextual factors. Of particular interests are those contextual factors that pertain to the interdependence of work relationships because narcissists typically tend to “shine” in social settings where they can influence others.  Therefore the present study investigated the leadership emergence and performance of narcissistic individuals in low versus high reward interdependent teams that participated in an
interactive team simulation task. We found that narcissists emerged as leaders irrespective of the team's level of reward interdependence and their individual performance. Yet high narcissists performed better in the high reward interdependent condition than in the low reward interdependent condition.

The Leadership Quarterly 22 (2011) 910-925

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