2018 Conference Keynote Presentation: Positive Psychology and Coaching for Youth/In Education

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2018 Conference Keynote Presentation: Positive Psychology and Coaching for Youth/In Education
Positive Psychology and Coaching for Youth/In Education

Coaching psychology involves the mobilization of personal strengths and external resources to strive towards achieving authentic goals for optimal performance and well-being. To achieve these outcomes, an interdisciplinary approach which draws on the latest theories, tools, interventions and methods from across the various well-being sciences is ideally needed. However, to what extent are scholars and practitioners from the well-being sciences sharing and utilizing the latest developments from each discipline and working collaboratively and intentionally to achieve collective goals? This presentation will provide some evidence that communication between coaching psychology and other well-being sciences such as positive psychology, sport psychology, quality of life and social emotional learning is minimal and needs to be improved. Ways in which interdisciplinary knowledge exchange can occur to improve Coaching Psychology will be presented and illustrated with practical case examples.

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